Leadership Presence: Inspire and Influence with Confidence


This month, I’m diving deeper into another topic which often comes up with my coaching clients: LEADERSHIP PRESENCE.

Like last month’s focus on authentic networking, I’m a firm believer in leaders being true to themselves and their desire to nurture genuine connections. I’m passionate about helping women amp up their leadership presence by differentiating themselves with their unique strengths, capabilities, and points-of-view.

You might be wondering about the difference between Leadership Presence and Executive Presence. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they do have distinct meanings.

Leadership Presence:

Focuses on what you do and how you impact others.
It’s about the people you lead.
Set agendas, organize teams, coach, learn from failure.

Executive Presence:

It’s about how you look and talk.
Dress sharp, maintain eye contact, and project confidence.
Think of Don Draper from “Mad Men.”

Both are crucial for effective leadership!

Check out this book for a deep dive: “Leadership Presence: The Art of Commanding Respect Like a Leader” by Belle Linda Halpern and Kathy Lubar.

Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook for more tips on developing your presence.

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